High-Tech Company

Make Engagement.

Integrated experiences in true hybrid fashion. 


As the pandemic waxed and waned, hybrid events quickly became de rigueur. And while nearly everyone claimed to be doing them, most of these so-called hybrids were more like live streams. That is, they were small in-person events that were fed onto the Internet so a wider audience could view them.

One high-tech company, however, engaged InVision to design and produce a true hybrid: An event that uniquely served both in-person and digital audiences, taking advantage of the best of each medium, and delivering experiences that were complementary and connected.


  • Hybrid strategy

    Content development

    Broadcast production

    In-person production




The event was the company’s annual Employee and Sales Kick-Off, designed to align everyone on key strategies for the upcoming year, while celebrating the successes of the year past. Its hybrid iteration served 200 employees in-person in Santa Clara, California, while another 3,500 tuned in online from across the United States and EMEA.

In-person attendees enjoyed all the on-stage content and opportunities for connection and networking that live events routinely deliver. Virtual attendees, meanwhile, enjoyed a broadcast-style experience, much more akin to a nightly newscast than a webinar. Think more live crosses and in-studio interviewers – fewer PowerPoint presentations and staid transitions.

And the audiences engaged with one another. When in-person attendees were prompted to stand, for example, their virtual counterparts were encouraged to do the same — and theycould be seen doing so, thanks to the live Zoom feed shown on big screens in the event space. When a T-shirt cannon propelled prizes to in-person attendees, a pre-recorded video revealed the cannon also magically shooting prizes to attendees at their computers.

Delivering this true hybrid event required two discrete yet complementary approaches. While the virtual content was informed by that of the in-person event, it was uniquely produced to deliver a compelling broadcast experience. And while the in-person experience centered on people in the room, it was designed to create meaningful connections with the online attendees.


The internal hybrid EKO and SKO event enabled the brand to effectively engage both in-person and digital audiences uniquely and together, while broadening the reach of the brand’s message and experience. The event proved so successful in engaging both the in-person and online audiences that the client has elected to recreate the format for its upcoming flagship user conference. There, the customers who attend in-person and those who attend online will once again benefit from unique yet integrated experiences, opportunities, and tactics.


DocuSign GKO21


MxD Virtual Tour